

My sessions with Marti were incredibly profound, and incredibly life changing for me. They were very energetic. And I’m noticing, it’s going to be difficult for me to find words for them. Not because there aren’t words, for them, or for Marti, there are plenty of words I would use to describe her and our time together.

She’s incredibly present. She is out of this world, good at listening, and I wish I had a better word than good. The way she listens, felt second to none, I felt like my soul was being listened to. And part of our work together was parts work. So it was a she helped me immensely in aligning using my own voice and my own soul. She helped me align the different opposing parts inside of me and my heart and for the lack of better words, my heart and my mind, and my soul.

The sessions were fun filled at times. And other times. Serious in the sense of this was the deepest soul work that I’ve done in this lifetime. Marti’s essence is what I contribute to that. And the partnership my essence had with her essence. It was just incredibly life giving incredibly life changing in the best way. And I have never experienced anything else like it.

I have so much gratitude for my time with Marti. And, again, there really aren’t words to describe how profound and sacred it all was. But for now, I’ll just settle on saying they were profoundly sacred and incredibly beautiful. I am forever grateful.



Phoenix, AZ

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I’ve been working with Marti since March of 2022 and do not plan on stopping any time soon because she has become such an anchor of comfort and support for me. She was brought to me by a dear friend in a time of extreme empty darkness and silence. I’ve experienced many traumas throughout my years, including physical and mental abuse/neglect from an alcoholic, narcissistic mother. Additionally, I experienced the most recent trauma of being attacked and sexually assaulted by a complete stranger while walking down the street.

When we first started, I had no voice – when I went to speak, nothing came out. I was completely numb and had zero trust in people. Marti was like a magical angel – reading my thoughts, feelings, and vision out loud for me, validating them until they felt safe enough to come out on their own. I don’t know how she could see, hear, or feel them, but she could – her spiritual connection to my spirit was strong, and I felt it deeply.

I’ve had six therapists over 14 years of life, and NONE have even come close to being as helpful as Marti has. She’s made me feel safe, secure, validated, heard, seen, felt, and so much more. She makes the process of working on myself simple and easy – not overwhelming and daunting. We take it one day at a time – one thing at a time. She’s helped me understand why I am the way that I am and how to show myself kindness, compassion, understanding, and non-judgmental acceptance in order to heal and learn to choose to respond differently.

We go through a specific event – break it down and understand how it affected me and what I need to do to heal. She’s helped me learn to balance all of the aspects inside me – my wants and needs. She’s helped me learn how to set internal and external boundaries, which has helped me in every aspect of my life – specifically in my emotional/mental state and in the relationships around me. She’s helped me learn how to ground myself in times of instability. Most importantly, she has helped me help myself. She’s taught me tools that I can use to continue helping myself. I am continuously practicing and I know this is not a marathon with an end – it’s a lifelong journey.

I am still with her because I choose to prioritize my healing above all else, and I’ve seen how important our work together is for a more peaceful, joyful, balanced life. I proudly tell people about my weekly sessions with her and how amazing our work together is. It often comes up in casual conversations because EVERYONE is in need of help in one way or another – self help is a lifelong process that we can always use. I highly recommend prioritizing yourself and working with Marti if the feeling is right – it can and will be life changing.



California / Alaska

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I have had the pleasure of working with Marti for three years. She is a truly amazing lady with a gift that will take her on many journeys. There is a depth of connection in all that she does and this alone will be felt by all who work or receive healing from her. Marti works from her soul and gives love and guidance as she works with her spiritual knowledge. I have always been aware that Marti has a strong connection with archangels and guides but also with Mother Earth. Her incredible soul connection to animals, earthly and spiritually become one as her Shamanic journey continues. I would recommend healing and guidance with Marti as she works from her heart and shares her passion with those who wish to connect with her. A true Earth Angel.


Medium, Healer

Surrey, UK

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Als ich Marti zum ersten Mal vor drei Jahren traf, bekam ich ein lebensveränderndes Reading von ihr, auf das noch viele andere folgten. Alle von ihnen waren so lichtvoll und aufbauend, sie eröffneten meinen Seelenpfad Schritt für Schritt, in genau dem richtigen Tempo, bezogen auf die Entwicklung meiner Seele, die von Marti und der geistigen Welt begleitet wird. Die Sitzungen verliefen so friedlich und sanft, manchmal waren sie aber auch wie ein Raketenstart. Marti ist so eine besondere Person, sie ist durch die geistige Welt geleitet und so durch sie mit ihren Fähigkeiten beschenkt. Sie ist eine hervorragende Lehrerin und Begleiterin, eine alte, weise Seele. Sie weiß, wie man die Sprache des Herzens und auch die der Tiere spricht. Ich kann sie immer begleitet von einem weisen Wolf fühlen, daher nutzt sie auch deine persönlichen Krafttiere, um deine dir ureigene Kraft freizusetzen und um deinem eigenen Pfad und Lebenssinn zu folgen. Sie ist einfach eine tolle Seelenbegleiterin. Ich bin so dankbar für unsere gemeinsame Reise, die natürlich fortgesetzt wird.

When I first met Marti three years ago, I received a life-changing reading from her, followed by many others, all of them so full of light and upliftment. They opened me up to my my soul path step-by-step, in the perfect tempo, according to the development of my soul, guided by Marti and the Spirit world. The sessions were so peaceful and calm, but sometimes like a rocket launch, blasting me off into higher realms, so that after that, I got the true meaning of being uplifted. Marti is such a special person, guided by spirit and really gifted. She is such a great teacher and guide, an old, wise soul. She knows how to speak the language of the heart and even that of animals, too. I can always feel her being surrounded by the soul of a wise wolf, and so she also works with your power animals, to set your original power free, so that you can follow your own path and purpose. She is simply an amazing soul guide. I am so thankful about our continued journey together.


Animal Communicator and Healer

Munich, Germany

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Marti is an old soul who has the incredible gift to bring accurate and loving messages from spirit. She has a way of reading energy and delivering messages that make people feel seen and supported. She creates a beautiful atmosphere that is safe and welcoming. I can’t recommend her enough.


Psychic-Medium, Actress

Tennessee, USA


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From the moment I met Marti several years ago, I knew immediately that she was a very special soul who has a wonderful empathy and connection with people and the living world. She has shared her amazing insights with me on many occasions, giving me advice and guidance on deep and meaningful levels, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I cannot recommend Marti highly enough for her care and understanding. Thank you Marti for all your wonderful talents and the upliftment you bring into so many people’s lives.


Medium and Healer

Surrey, UK

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I have been fortunate enough to have had several readings from Marti. This wonderful lady is one of the most beautiful, gentle yet powerful souls I have ever met and each of her totally accurate and detailed readings has made me feel marvellous afterwards! When I have been feeling despondent and unsure of my path, her readings have cheered me up and filled me with hope. I am always keen to follow any advice she offers me as I know without any doubt that she has a very strong connection to Spirit and her words are full of truth, compassion, clarity and wisdom.

I have received many readings over the last decade but Marti’s abilities shine out over those of the many mediums I have met and I am so very glad to have found her. I fully recommend her without hesitation.


Author, Medium

Herefordshire, UK

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I have been very fortunate to have been introduced to Marti via a healer friend of mine, who runs a fortnightly Mediumship circle.  This has resulted in my connection with Marti on a regular basis for over three years now. I have been on my Spiritual Path for many years, and meeting Marti has certainly enhanced my journey.  She had opened up my awareness to the love and healing that we can receive from nature, Mother Earth, and the beautiful energies emanating from the Universe. 

Marti has a very gentle Soul and is a wonderful Spiritual Teacher.  She is so willing to give her love and share her Spiritual Wisdom to enable other people to open up their awareness and advance on their own Spiritual Path. She has a wonderful connection with her Spirit Guides and an amazing empathy with the Animal Kingdom.  Marti is also a Spiritual Healer and has a very caring and sympathetic nature, and even her voice is Healing in itself! I thoroughly recommend her Guidance, Teachings and Healing Energies. You couldn’t be in better hands!

with Love, Joanie


Medium, Angelic Healing and Reiki Healer

Berkshire, UK

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I have worked with Marti at two separate points in my life and both times the sessions I did with her proved invaluable. The first time was by far and away the most powerful, Marti helped to at first clear old energy from a past romantic relationship that caused me much pain and suffering. Near the end of the session a message came to my heart, something deep and private, an inner knowing that I had been too afraid to acknowledge or even dare give vocal expression to. Marti encouraged me to express myself and I did, sharing that truth aloud for the first time in my life. It was a big turning point for me in unraveling who I am and what I was here to do in this lifetime. Although it took a number of years to finally move past and overcome the resistance I had to my calling, I can now say that I have and am fully enjoying what it is to be living out my truth and fulfilling my spiritual mission.

The second time I worked with Marti was more recently and when I was in the midst of a psychospiritual crisis that had left me bereft and devoid of all hope and faith in myself and my life. Marti worked with me to retrieve lost parts of my soul, uncover more information as to the specific events and people that played a large part in my demise, and gave me a nudge in the right direction to return to Peru and find my healing there. Marti recognized even though she had been able to help me to some degree, that I needed further assistance than she could provide and promptly passed me along to a trusted friend who worked with me to find the appropriate healing center in Peru where I would eventually find my healing. The humility and grace she displayed to know her limits, follow her intuition, step aside, and connect me to the right people who would be able to assist me in moving forward in my healing speaks volumes as to the type of person and healer she is.

Marti is a deeply caring, loving, kind, compassionate soul who knows how to deeply listen and guide those she works with in the right direction to uncover repressed emotions, their inner truth, their past traumas, and anything hidden from the conscious mind. She is able to guide people through visualization and imagination exercises that assist in healing beyond the physical realm. Marti is also very open and honest about herself, her life, and her relationships. She is humble and never seeks to impose her will or point of view on anyone else. She is a masterful guide and only seeks to serve your highest good. I feel blessed to have met and worked with Marti in this lifetime and look forward to the next time I see her again in person. Thank you Marti, for the all the work you do and who you are. I love you.


Spiritual Guide and Counselor for Men


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I’ve had the gift of doing several shamanic healing sessions with Marti at a time when I needed deep soul support. Marti is a compassionate, sensitive and intuitive spiritual guide. She seems to always know exactly how to facilitate each session to bring about insight and healing. Marti deeply listens and understands the direction the heart needs to go. Then she gently facilitates the shamanic journey that spontaneously reveals itself to help the soul evolve toward its highest potential and purpose. It gives me comfort to know that I can schedule a session with Marti when I need support that is multidimensional.


Creator of Sol Path Yoga

Bestselling Author


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I appreciate Marti’s integrity, the obvious care she manifests, and her depth of knowledge/feeling/awareness. Her guidance in our sessions was always very useful in advancing my perception of previously unseen spirit and multidimensional realities.


Lawyer, Activist for Native American Rights

Massachussetts, USA

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Marti is the shit!


Author of "A Positive Guide to Overcoming Narcissists"

Oregon, USA

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“Be yourself at any cost.” - Sinead O'Connor

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