
Remote & In Person Shamanic Healing Sessions

Marti is currently accepting applications for new clients. Please submit the form below and you will be contacted to see if you are a good fit for a Shamanic healing journey.

My healing sessions work on a shamanic level to heal all life through vibration. I’ll start by holding sacred space for your healing and guide you through the journey of your soul with Spirit’s guidance. Shamanic healing sessions can help recovery from any form of trauma by helping you re-member lost parts of your soul, so you can be more of who you truly are and stay true to yourself.


How Healing Sessions Work

During a healing session I will begin by guiding you in finding a relaxed and receptive state. During the whole session you will be protected the sacred space I hold and the guides who come to help you.

After this we may begin your healing journey. No two sessions are ever alike and I’m often surprised by the miraculous methods of healing that the guides are able to bring to every unique situation. Although some sessions are light and fun while others offer more intense healing, rest assured that you will leave a session feeling significant manifest change every time.

How to Prepare for a Session


Where do you conduct in-person sessions? 

As I am constantly journeying, please send in a request and we can discuss how we can arrange to meet. If an in-person meeting isn’t at this time possible then we can work remotely.

How do you accept payment?

I accept bank transfers (ACH), PayPal, or you may mail me a cheque.

How much does a session cost?

Does Shamanic healing work for particular my trauma or ethnicity?

Shamanic healing works no matter your particular condition or ethnic background. The guides are willing and able to help anyone so long as that person is willing to take a healing journey with them.

What if nothing happens?

Shamanic healing always works. But, if for any reason you are not satisfied with your session I offer a 100% money back guarantee, so there is no risk on your part.

Shamanic Healing Application Form

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